Friday, 8 March 2013

How To Select a good plumber London

Ask yourself a question. When buying or selling a house, would you consider doing so without using the professional services of a solicitor? The answer is…probably not. Unless you know exactly what you're doing, it's a little like walking into a minefield.
The same is true when you have a plumbing problem and have to choose to call plumber. It is not simply a routine call. If you don't know much about plumbing and you need some plumbing work done, how do you judge one plumber against another?

Don’t make your decision on price alone. This can prove disastrous as many homeowners regularly find out to their cost. 24 Plumbing London repair thousand plumbing disasters left from inexperienced plumbers. Some plumbing companies are often more interested in getting upfront money (through asking you to leave card details upfront) and when this happen many homeowners  ending up paying  unrealistically high fees very often for unfinished jobs . Our strict policy is that we get paid when the job is done and our customer is happy but never upfront.
Remember, you are buying a service not a product. A service is intangible. Paying the lowest price for a service does not mean you are certain to receive good value and obtain a satisfactory result.
Be guided by the following quote from John Ruskin...
'It's unwise to pay too much, but it's unwise to pay too little. When you pay too much you lose a little money, that is all. When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing you bought it to do.

Very often there's no time to carry out extensive research to find exactly the right plumber for the job, at the best price, because you are in a tearing hurry. A burst pipe, flood from toilet or broken tap is usually an extremely stressful situation when you need help fast!
The last thing you need in an emergency is a tradesman who makes the situation worse because he or she isn't properly trained or equipped. Nor do you need to pay inflated prices just because you are desperate for help, no matter what it costs..